Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh man, I'm so bad at this...

I've been meaning to get on here and post up something new but have just been to god damn lazy to do so...

Couple of things that have gone on in the past month or so..
1. I quit the insurance company.
Yep, I am not the kind of person that can just sit at a desk all day and talk on the phone.
It was driving me so crazy and I just couldn't take it.

2. Been looking for a job, AGAIN.
And with no luck.
No one in this town seems to want to hire me soooo..

3. I'm going home to work for the summer at Salena's.
Yep, that's right. I'm going home to work because Wilmington suucks.

The best part?
I'm gonna share a bed with my mom while I'm home because I no longer have a room at my parents house, haha.
My poor mom is going to accidentally get grouped, kicked, elbowed, slept on, get her blanket stolen all night..
Sorry ma!

I am really not looking forward to being away from Misch for 3 whole months...
4 days was long enough when I went home to visit last time.
How am I going to do 3 months?

I'll tell you how, I'm going to do nothing but work, work out, and write...
Also spend some QT with the fam and friends.
But that is what I've decided is going to get me through this summer.

Oh and by the way, I've fallen so in love with the Ocean.
There's nothing better than a good book, sun, sand, and the sound of the waves occasionally interrupted by, ICK, seagulls.
(I have an unnatural hatred for seagulls for those that have never been to the beach with me..)
I'll tell you what, I've been to the beach maybe a handful of times and I'm the tannest I've been in yeeeears.
It's wonderful.
I'm going to miss the beach a ton this summer.

I'm going to miss Mischa even more..

"Kevin, what did you do to my room?!" - Home Alone

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Insurance, insurance, insurance...

I got it on the brain and it's not like I want to or anything.. It's more like it's being seared in there. That's probably a good thing since I am finally and officially an insurance agent. The company that I work for is awesome and I feel so lucky to have found it.

Anywho, other than insurance there really hasn't been much going on in my world. Mischa's birthday is this sunday and I don't get paid until monday, sooo he won't be getting anything until sometime next week. Poor guy. I told him he can take me out to dinner to celebrate HIS birthday haha. He loves me even when I'm a spoiled little brat... I lucked out and hit the jackpot with that one.

I miss my girls from home a lot lately... Meg, Nelle, Shan, Nikki..
It's weird that we don't get to hang out all the time anymore. They're graduating college, or buying new houses. GROWING UP. Crazy shit. Sersiously. I miss the times we went skinny dipping in Nelle's neighbor's pool at like 2am, or getting drunk and playing pool at Meg's house, I will miss this st. patrick's day at Shan's house... I just feel like we're all growing apart and it makes me sad. :-(

I met this girl Niki (not Nikki from above, Niki. One k!) at the pre-licensing class that we had to take. It took a day, but after that we hit it off like we'd been friends for a long time. She's my kinda gal; rude, crude and incredibly funny. I think we've pretty much seen each other everyday since class and I enjoy every minute of it. Have I mentioned that she's almost made me pee my pants like 3 times from laughing so hard, cuz she has.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how short life is. Not really in a morbid way, just because this is the month that I've lost a few people who I considered family. Mr. Park, Nelle's dad, passed away this month 4 years ago. I think about him almost everyday. He's the inspiration for my LiveStrong tattoo and he was also one of my softball mentors. It's crazy. I think about how I would feel if my dad passed and I can't help but cry. Nelle, Mack and mama Park are so strong and I love them.
On the 23rd this month will be the one year anniversary of the day that my Uncle Tom's long time girlfriend died. It was awful. She had an aneurysm of the spleen and died suddenly and unexpectedly while she was running on her treadmill. Rumor was my uncle was going to ask her to marry him in April and we would have celebrated their wedding last summer. I'm not sure why out of all the other losses in my life her's still brings tears to my eyes at the least expected times. I remember talking to her the weekend before about the move that Mischa and I were planning and I can picture her smile. I feel so bad for my uncle, I can't imagine what it would be like to lose the one person in your life that makes your heart beat faster every time you see them. I'd be a mess and he, rightly so, was and in ways still is...

I miss all the people that I've lost in my life. Very much. I wish that they could still be here today... I am a believer in when your number is called, it's your turn to go. Even if it's for reasons unexplained or unfair. Those of us that remain have to honor that person and live our lives to the fullest because that's what they would want us to do. Mr. Park, my uncle John, Michelle, they would want us to wake up everyday, think about them, and smile, remembering all the fun, wonderful, loving moments that we had with them. I miss you all terribly. Thank you for the wonderful moments.

Although I've never seen this movie, I like the last line:
"Men like my father cannot die. They are with me still, real in memory as they were in flesh, loving and beloved. Forever. How green was my valley then."
-How Green was My Valley (1941)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Book of Eli

Misch and I just got home from seeing that movie and it was a really great one... Denzel Washington was great in the movie and I, maybe not so much Mischa, was really shocked in the end by the twist. I enjoyed it.

I am in no way shape or form a religious person. I went to church when I was like 4 and haven't been back since, except for maybe a Christmas mass with my Uncle Bud or for a wedding, but that's it. I can probably count the number of times that I've actually prayed to something or someone asking for help on one hand. Times that I still can't think about without tearing up. I'm not sure what I believe in or who I believe in. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-religion or anti-church or a non believer in "god". I put that in quotes because I'm not really sure that there is really just one.

So why the religion talk? Well, I'm sure many of you know that the movie is about a man who has in his possession the last copy of the Bible in a post-apocalyptic world. The story about what he has gone through to protect this book and to deliver it across the country to a place that he has never been, just solely based on his faith is an interesting one. The way that this man had so much faith and love for this one book sort of astounds me.

I've never read the bible. My knowledge of the bible is minimal at best. I've read the first story and that's about it. I know that reading the bible might not make me a better person, it might not change my mind about how I feel, but I feel like it'll make me a more well rounded person. Heck, might even make me a better writer. However, I don't have a desire to get up every sunday and go to church. I never have. I feel like I'd like to figure out this religion and faith thing on my own. Figure out who or what I'd like to believe in... Someday maybe I'll need some help, but for now I think I'll start by reading the bible and take what I can from it.

Today, I'm gonna close with the last lines from the movie, it may be a bit of a spoiler, so you're welcome to read it or not:
"Dear Lord, Thank you for giving me the strength and the conviction to complete the task you entrusted to me. Thank you for guiding me straight and true through the many obstacles in my path. And for keeping me resolute when all around seemed lost. Thank you for your protection and your many signs along the way. Thank you for any good that I may have done, I'm so sorry about the bad. Thank you for the friend I made. Please watch over her as you watched over me. Thank you for finally allowing me to rest. I'm so very tired, but I go now to my rest at peace..."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So, I'm pretty sure that there is no one out there reading this blog (at least not yet), but I feel like I must say sorry for not posting anything for a while. I've been taking this god awful class on home and auto insurance so that I can become an Insurance Agent. It was 9-6, Mon through Thurs with a long, stupidly hard test at the end of Thursday that you have to pass in order to take the state exam. I passed by 4 questions haha. Now, I'm waiting for an e-mail telling me that I can go on Thursday and take the test here in Wilmington because I'd rather not drive a total on 5 hours to Raleigh and back to take the test. I really need to study for that tonight and tomorrow. It costs 106.50 to take the test and I don't have the money to fail it.

I'm sitting outside on my front porch swing writing this blog right now. I can't even start to tell you how nice it is out. It's warm out, the sun is warm and the skies are such a pretty blue color. I love it here. I can't wait to start working. Seriously.

I've discovered my new favorite winter olympic sport, CURLING! I'm addicted. You'd think that watching people push a big rock across the ice would be the most boring thing in the whole world but it's not. There's so much strategy and skill involved that I've fallen in love with it.

Alright, I guess I didn't have anything really awesome to say in this blog, but I felt like I needed to get online and post something because I really do want to be good and keep this up... Until next time.

Oh and by the way, if you haven't seen Avatar yet, do it. It was really an awesome movie and so visually cool to watch.

"What happens next?"
"I'm not sure, exactly. But this world is ours now. It's what we make of it."

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I don't really have anything to whine about or anything profound to say today so I figured I'd do a introduction to me, seeing as though I haven't done one yet.
Well, here we go.
My name is Gloria, but I have about a million other nicknames. They include: Glow (probably the most popular), G, Gigi, monster (don't ask), g-spot, g-force, g-funk, Glowworm.. On and on. Not to mention the two snippets of song lyrics that people have been singing to me since I was little.
"Gloria (Gloria), I think they got your number (Gloria)"
Laura Branigan and Van Morrison have made my name into a song. Thank you.
And Thank you to the probably hundreds of people who have sung my name to me.
It never gets old..
Don't get me wrong, I love that fact that I inspire people of all ages to sing to me. In fact, it sort of makes my day... I wouldn't change my name for anything. Well, except getting married, but that's a whole different blog. It does however get old when your high school homeroom teacher takes your attendance by singing," G L O R I Aaaaaa, yeah she's here." Old real quick. Thaaaank you.

Ok, so back to more about me. I'm 22 years old and I live in Wilmington, NC. Misch and I just recently moved here like 5 months ago... Other than the fact that it snowed here yesterday, yes snoooowed, it's been great. Now that I finally have a job it's going to be awesome. I have this strange feeling that this summer is going to be so much fun. I mean we can start going to the ocean in APRIL! Back home you couldn't get into the water until mid July without your loxer extremities going numb.
Back home... I miss home. Rochester, NY. It's a great city. Pretty much most of my family lives there. My parents, my two younger sisters, my grandparents, all of my uncles, and although they live in Philadelphia, my aunts have spent so much time in Rochester that we'll just say they live there. I miss my family a lot. I have one of the greatest families ever. My parents are awesome and I definitely would not be who I am today without their help. My sisters are two of the coolest people I know and I miss them all like crazy everyday.
I'm not going to lie, there have been days where I've gotten ridiculously home sick. Not just for my family, but for all of the great friends that Misch and I moved away from. That's the thing about Rochester, you won't find people like that anywhere else. There you will find some of the most loyal, loving and awesome people ever. It's true. Misch and his friends are probably one of the coolest groups of people ever. How many people can say that they still hangout and talk to regularly with the kids that they went to grammar school with... He can and it's awesome. I've never seen such a tight knit group of people before.
Ok, so more about me. Let's see... I love to read, but I covered that in another blog already haha. I'm addicted to popcorn and not the mirco-wave crap. I make my own everytime and it's delicious. I probably eat popcorn every other day.
Mischa likes to call me the queen of wiggling, because the second I lay down anywhere, in bed, on the couch, I wiggle. I can't help it. I just move around until I get comfortable and pass out.
I have quite a collection of highheels and boots, but I never wear them. I just like to look at them apparently.
I can drive a standard car, which people find suprising for some reason.
I'm addicted to anything vampires, not sure why. B-horror movies are awesomely bad.
Beer pong is the greatest drinking game in the world.
Mischa and I are addicted to Buck Hunt, the bar game where you get to shoot stuff..
I graduated from an arts high school where I was a creative writing major for 4 years...
I've got a 18 piercings, all of them from the neck up and 4 tattoos. I'd say I'm addicted. :-) I think body modifications, to a certain degree are beautiful, but I'll blog my opinions about that another time because I do have some stuff I'd like to say to the world about them...
I really do have the greatest boyfriend in the whole world. We've been together for 2 years now but it seems like it's been way longer than that. We laugh all the time. He's my best friend. He gets up every morning and finds something to smile about and I love that about him. He's a hard worker and everyone that meets him, loves him. I love him. He's awesome.

Alright, so enough about me. I just felt like with this blog, IF (and that's a big IF) anyone ends up reading this thing, they'll understand my writing and who I am better if I did a little introduction. It's a little late I guess, but better late than never.

And now for something different.. I'm going to start ending my blogs with the last lines to movies. Just because I can.

"So, your adventures are over."
"Oh, no. To live, to live would be an awfully big adventure."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Excuse Me Sir..

But aren't those skinny jeans meant to be form fitting?
Not saggy in the back like you have a huge load in your too tight around the ankles jeans?
First of all, why are you, a dude, wearing those things?
Did you steal them from your girlfriend?
Because last I knew, skinny jeans were sold in the woman's department...

Ugh, skinny jeans make me mad to begin with.
You have to be atleast a size 2 to actually look good in them and now guys are wearing them..
Not only are they wearing skinny jeans, but they then have the nerve to sag them.
It's gross.
Why do you feel the need?
You don't look cool.
Just thought I should let you all know.
I laugh everytime I see a guy in them.

I just had to get that off of my chest.
It's maybe one of the worst fads going around at the moment...

Ciao Bella.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Just because I can...

I'm going to post again on here. I'm sitting here at the house, my boy-toy is at work and I am so sick of watching TV that I could puke on it. I'd read but I'm pretty sure I've read every book on our bookshelf- short of the cook books and college text books of course. Unless I decide to re-read Harry Potter for 100th time. Yes, I'm a huge HP fan and I've read those books more times than I can remember. I don't care what anyone says, those books are awesome and people are crazy not to want to read them because those books will someday be "classics". Just so you know. :-)

Annnywhoo, I found some of my poetry that I wrote in high school.. It was terrible and I mean terrible. How I ever passed Advanced Poetry is beyond me. But I decided anyway, since I was bored, to type a bunch of them into my computer with the hopes that someday I'll get around to editing them. Most likely they'll just sit around in that folder and I'll forget all about them... sigh.

I've been wanting to start back up with my writing again for a long time. I've started stuff but I think it's all terrible. I have this editor inside me that's always yelling about how bad of a writer I am. I've lost my voice. It's sad.
I also tend to have this little problem with paying attention to something for an extended amount of time. Of for more than one day for that matter. I'm good for maybe one hour a month when it comes to sitting at a desk with a notebook and a pen. It's also hard to write in this house, especially when Bellatrix*, our adorable cat, is meowing around the table in front of me and coming to rest right on top of my lap top. She's a pain, but a cute one. (* Yes, Bellatrix from Harry Potter. I told you.)

Maybe this new blogging thing will help me to get back in touch with my creative self. At least I hope so. Perhaps it's because I've done nothing with my unwanted time off from work, but I've felt like I've just turned into this lump. I watch tv all day. I think the most creative thing I was doing was watching HGTV and thinking about all the things I would love to do to this house when we have the money to do them. But now things are going to change.. This job is going to be my saving grace. I seriously can't wait to start workingbackslashwriting again. I miss both of them. A lot. You'd think that it'd have been nice to have all this time off. Yeah, the first month was fine, but we're going on month 5 people! I was starting to go crazy...

Right so, someday I'd love to write a series of young adult or children books. Why? Well because I'm always drawn to that section of the bookstore. Those authors can write down anything on a page and kids are going to eat it up. Come on. It's awesome. I could write a series with a talking pig as the main character and if I did right, it'd be great. Next time you're in a book store go into the kids section, take a look around. It's great. No work, no taxes, no daily commute, just lots of magic, other cultures, other times, and other worlds.

Eh, I guess everyone's gotta start somewhere. Gotta find that one thing or person that really inspires you. That one word that jump starts your pen or cursor in the right direction. Gets you motivated to sit down and stare at a blank sheet of paper, or blank screen and until you turn it into something awesome. For now though, I'll just keep rambling at the screen until something good comes of it all.

Later Alligator.

Been wanting to do this...

I've been thinking about starting my own blog ever since we moved to Wilmington. I should have when we first moved down because everyone knows that I've had more than enough time to do so. The job market here in Wilmington sucks something fierce and it figures that we moved down just in time to wave goodbye to all the tourists. No one was hiring. Could barely even get an interview. Can I talk about interviews for a second, cuz I've had a few since we moved down here and there are somethings that I feel I must share with someone other than Mischa.
(Let me walk the dogs first. Buster won't stop staring at me and it's messing with my flow..)
Alright back.
Let's see, interviews, ah yes...
First of all, if you're looking for a job, craig's list suucks. Everything on there is either spam or a scan where they're trying to get your information. It's the most frustrating thing in the whole world especially when you're getting desperate and even a parking attendant job sounds awesome. Craig's List and all of it's scum has made me cry. Yes, there were nights where my boyfriend, Mischa, would come home and I would be upset. It's the worst feeling to get your hopes up over and over again just to have them crushed with a false website asking you for references and your phone number. Don't use Craig's List for job hunting.. It's good for other things. But because there's no one really sitting there verifying who's posting job offers, it's overrun by people that have nothing better to do with their time than mess with the 14 million frustrated, broke, bored, depressed, unemployed Americans. Thanks people!! Real winners those ones.

Alright so there's my Criag's List bash, can we talk about applications? Does anybody else think that there should just be ONE universal application where I can go online, fill it out and print like a million copies? I can't even tell you how many of same application I filled out for different companies. It was obnoxious. There was one application for a SERVING position that wanted to know 3 people that were my co-workers, 3 bosses, 3 people that worked under me, driver's license, recreational drug use, how many accidents I'd been in, hair sample, toe nail clipping and a letter of recommendation from my 3rd grade teacher. Ok, ok, so the last 3 weren't true, but some of these places want so much ridiculous information that I feel naked after I fill out the app. Be easy people, I'd understand if you'd need all that stuff if I was going to run the company, be president of the US, or someone more important than a part time cashier at a bookstore or a server at a pizza place. Jeeeeeezzz...

OK, so interviews? Let's say you finally get a call back weeeeeks after you filled out the application, took the online test that tells the employer if you're crazy or not, and your application actually managed to find it's way to the right person's desk. What then? Well, first they try to slyly quiz you over the phone about your life story and then if they like the way your voice sounds they ask you to come in for an interview. Cool. So that day, you spend at least an hour getting ready and dressed. Looking good, you know? So you get there, wait around looking stupid all dressed up at a hardware store or a bookstore, and finally after making you wait like like 10 mins, your interviewer is ready for you. This is the point where they ask you those god awful questions that make you feel like if you don't say the right thing they will shoot you in the face. You're nervous and you just want to be able to cash people out. Is that sooo much to ask of this world? The interview takes 10 mins. So glad I took all that time getting dressed and doing my hair for 10 mins! And then with the promise of a 2nd interview (yes a 2nd interview for a part time job) they shake your hand, pat you on the head and kick you out. Oh and guess what, you'll wait weeks hoping to hear back from them, but guess what people, you won't! This has happened twice to me. From big companies. And one of them I even went in a week later and asked what was going on. Of course they blamed it on someone else. But whatever, if this is how you treat people for a seasonal or part time job, then forget it. I'd rather keep being broke and looking for something better. Somewhere where they treat people like people...

So I guess I should tell you that this long rant does have a happy ending. Thankfully, I didn't hear back from either of those places and managed to find a DREAMMM job. I do have to get licensed for it, but if I pass the state exam, this company will hire me. I get to wear jeans and tee-shirt to work, they offer health insurance, weekends off and maybe the best part of it all, the hours are 11-8. Who could ask for more? Oh, Oh, did I mention PAID vacation time? Whooo.

Anyway, I guess that this is enough for my first post. Sorry to be so ranty. Next time it'll be better. Now I just have to keep this up.

Catch ya on the flipside.