Saturday, February 13, 2010


I don't really have anything to whine about or anything profound to say today so I figured I'd do a introduction to me, seeing as though I haven't done one yet.
Well, here we go.
My name is Gloria, but I have about a million other nicknames. They include: Glow (probably the most popular), G, Gigi, monster (don't ask), g-spot, g-force, g-funk, Glowworm.. On and on. Not to mention the two snippets of song lyrics that people have been singing to me since I was little.
"Gloria (Gloria), I think they got your number (Gloria)"
Laura Branigan and Van Morrison have made my name into a song. Thank you.
And Thank you to the probably hundreds of people who have sung my name to me.
It never gets old..
Don't get me wrong, I love that fact that I inspire people of all ages to sing to me. In fact, it sort of makes my day... I wouldn't change my name for anything. Well, except getting married, but that's a whole different blog. It does however get old when your high school homeroom teacher takes your attendance by singing," G L O R I Aaaaaa, yeah she's here." Old real quick. Thaaaank you.

Ok, so back to more about me. I'm 22 years old and I live in Wilmington, NC. Misch and I just recently moved here like 5 months ago... Other than the fact that it snowed here yesterday, yes snoooowed, it's been great. Now that I finally have a job it's going to be awesome. I have this strange feeling that this summer is going to be so much fun. I mean we can start going to the ocean in APRIL! Back home you couldn't get into the water until mid July without your loxer extremities going numb.
Back home... I miss home. Rochester, NY. It's a great city. Pretty much most of my family lives there. My parents, my two younger sisters, my grandparents, all of my uncles, and although they live in Philadelphia, my aunts have spent so much time in Rochester that we'll just say they live there. I miss my family a lot. I have one of the greatest families ever. My parents are awesome and I definitely would not be who I am today without their help. My sisters are two of the coolest people I know and I miss them all like crazy everyday.
I'm not going to lie, there have been days where I've gotten ridiculously home sick. Not just for my family, but for all of the great friends that Misch and I moved away from. That's the thing about Rochester, you won't find people like that anywhere else. There you will find some of the most loyal, loving and awesome people ever. It's true. Misch and his friends are probably one of the coolest groups of people ever. How many people can say that they still hangout and talk to regularly with the kids that they went to grammar school with... He can and it's awesome. I've never seen such a tight knit group of people before.
Ok, so more about me. Let's see... I love to read, but I covered that in another blog already haha. I'm addicted to popcorn and not the mirco-wave crap. I make my own everytime and it's delicious. I probably eat popcorn every other day.
Mischa likes to call me the queen of wiggling, because the second I lay down anywhere, in bed, on the couch, I wiggle. I can't help it. I just move around until I get comfortable and pass out.
I have quite a collection of highheels and boots, but I never wear them. I just like to look at them apparently.
I can drive a standard car, which people find suprising for some reason.
I'm addicted to anything vampires, not sure why. B-horror movies are awesomely bad.
Beer pong is the greatest drinking game in the world.
Mischa and I are addicted to Buck Hunt, the bar game where you get to shoot stuff..
I graduated from an arts high school where I was a creative writing major for 4 years...
I've got a 18 piercings, all of them from the neck up and 4 tattoos. I'd say I'm addicted. :-) I think body modifications, to a certain degree are beautiful, but I'll blog my opinions about that another time because I do have some stuff I'd like to say to the world about them...
I really do have the greatest boyfriend in the whole world. We've been together for 2 years now but it seems like it's been way longer than that. We laugh all the time. He's my best friend. He gets up every morning and finds something to smile about and I love that about him. He's a hard worker and everyone that meets him, loves him. I love him. He's awesome.

Alright, so enough about me. I just felt like with this blog, IF (and that's a big IF) anyone ends up reading this thing, they'll understand my writing and who I am better if I did a little introduction. It's a little late I guess, but better late than never.

And now for something different.. I'm going to start ending my blogs with the last lines to movies. Just because I can.

"So, your adventures are over."
"Oh, no. To live, to live would be an awfully big adventure."

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