Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So, I'm pretty sure that there is no one out there reading this blog (at least not yet), but I feel like I must say sorry for not posting anything for a while. I've been taking this god awful class on home and auto insurance so that I can become an Insurance Agent. It was 9-6, Mon through Thurs with a long, stupidly hard test at the end of Thursday that you have to pass in order to take the state exam. I passed by 4 questions haha. Now, I'm waiting for an e-mail telling me that I can go on Thursday and take the test here in Wilmington because I'd rather not drive a total on 5 hours to Raleigh and back to take the test. I really need to study for that tonight and tomorrow. It costs 106.50 to take the test and I don't have the money to fail it.

I'm sitting outside on my front porch swing writing this blog right now. I can't even start to tell you how nice it is out. It's warm out, the sun is warm and the skies are such a pretty blue color. I love it here. I can't wait to start working. Seriously.

I've discovered my new favorite winter olympic sport, CURLING! I'm addicted. You'd think that watching people push a big rock across the ice would be the most boring thing in the whole world but it's not. There's so much strategy and skill involved that I've fallen in love with it.

Alright, I guess I didn't have anything really awesome to say in this blog, but I felt like I needed to get online and post something because I really do want to be good and keep this up... Until next time.

Oh and by the way, if you haven't seen Avatar yet, do it. It was really an awesome movie and so visually cool to watch.

"What happens next?"
"I'm not sure, exactly. But this world is ours now. It's what we make of it."

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