Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh man, I'm so bad at this...

I've been meaning to get on here and post up something new but have just been to god damn lazy to do so...

Couple of things that have gone on in the past month or so..
1. I quit the insurance company.
Yep, I am not the kind of person that can just sit at a desk all day and talk on the phone.
It was driving me so crazy and I just couldn't take it.

2. Been looking for a job, AGAIN.
And with no luck.
No one in this town seems to want to hire me soooo..

3. I'm going home to work for the summer at Salena's.
Yep, that's right. I'm going home to work because Wilmington suucks.

The best part?
I'm gonna share a bed with my mom while I'm home because I no longer have a room at my parents house, haha.
My poor mom is going to accidentally get grouped, kicked, elbowed, slept on, get her blanket stolen all night..
Sorry ma!

I am really not looking forward to being away from Misch for 3 whole months...
4 days was long enough when I went home to visit last time.
How am I going to do 3 months?

I'll tell you how, I'm going to do nothing but work, work out, and write...
Also spend some QT with the fam and friends.
But that is what I've decided is going to get me through this summer.

Oh and by the way, I've fallen so in love with the Ocean.
There's nothing better than a good book, sun, sand, and the sound of the waves occasionally interrupted by, ICK, seagulls.
(I have an unnatural hatred for seagulls for those that have never been to the beach with me..)
I'll tell you what, I've been to the beach maybe a handful of times and I'm the tannest I've been in yeeeears.
It's wonderful.
I'm going to miss the beach a ton this summer.

I'm going to miss Mischa even more..

"Kevin, what did you do to my room?!" - Home Alone